
Showing posts from August, 2018

Look out for the Signs of Caregiver burnout before it’s to late

7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout Caregiver burnout is no small problem. It is no easy job be a caregiver for an elderly Mother or father.  First, the stress will add up quickly, leaving you exhausted as well as depressed. Second,  extra responsibilities like making sure  medication  is not forgotten is overwhelming. Third, if you’ve been  care giving for more than a few months you’ve going to start to experience caregiver burnout. Keep your eyes open for these 7 typical signs of caregiver burnout. To sum up,  thinking or saying these things, means you ought to get help form a health care professional.  Many get help from some kind of respite care. 7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout I Can’t get motivated regarding medications Seniors suffer fro  Aged Induced Medication Mistakes  ( AIMM’s) .  Complicated medication schedules add another layer of responsibility and confusion.  Missed doses can actual be fatal.  A smart pill ...

MED-Q Medication Reminder with alarms

Problem Worth Solving The Market: The primary target market for MED-Q Medication Reminder with alarms will be seniors. In the United States, the proportion of the population aged greater than 65 years is projected to increase from 12.4% in 2000 to 19.6% in 2030. While daily pill medication is usually consumed with seniors, it is not exclusive to their age group. The benefits of MED-Q Medication Reminder with alarms apply to any age of  consumer  who needs daily medication to improve their quality of life. To sum up, the need is universal and the customer base is unlimited. Furthermore,  senior population (those aged 65 years and older) comprises 13.7% of the US population but uses 40% of all prescription drugs. People aged 65-69 years fill an average of 14 prescriptions per year and adults aged 80-84 years average 18 prescriptions per year.  (AARP) The MED-Q solution MED-Q Medication Reminder with alarms is a pill organizer that helps manag...