MED-Q Smart Pill Reminder will save Caregivers hours of work each week!

First of all, an Electronic Pill reminder clock for seniors can help millions. Moreover, there are more than 60 Million people caring for family, friends or loved ones. To illustrate, Caregivers help need a pill clock or some other type of smart pill reminder with alarms. In addition a smart pill reminder can have a huge impact. How big? In fact, 30% of the population is a caregivers. To say nothing of paying for the caregivers service. To tell the truth , cost would be over 350 Billion Dollars per year. Additionally this is 200% of costs spent on home health care and nursing homes. Why is a Electronic pill reminder so important? In particular, 125,000 people a year die from not using a Pill Clock or some type of smart pill reminder . The fact that a pill reminder is needed to take their medication properly is ignored. First of all, they forget all together. Second of all, Caregivers can use a pill box or Smart Pill Box with alarms to keep se...