Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer’s Patients

  Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer's

                            MED-Q Automatic           Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer’s

Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer's 

Introducing the brand new Med-Q Medication Compliance System.  Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser is a fabulous tool for medication management .  The Smart Pill box has been designed to accommodate people with mental illness, hearing impairment as well as vision loss. In addition, those with a complex medication regimen find the smart pill box very helpful.
                     Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer's 
Introducing the brand new Med-Q Medication Compliance System.  Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer's or dementia is a fabulous tool for medication management. The Smart Pill box has been designed to accommodate people with Alzheimer's, hearing impairment as well as vision loss. In addition, those with a complex medication regimen find the smart pill box very helpful.

MED-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer’s

                  Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer’s

It is hard to take the 8-11 average amount of daily prescriptions pills.  This is each and every day.  If you compound this with Alzheimer's or dementia, you will see that a better method of medication management is needed.  Using an old fashion "dumb" pill box an accident waiting to happen.  Remember, forgetting pills is not like forgetting where you left your car keys.  It is truly a matter of life or death.

                                     Perfect Pill Reminder for Home Use 

This completely portable pill dispenser with alarms has 14 daily compartments that  hold up to 23 aspirin sized pills.  This is a capacity 20-25%  than other automatic pill dispensers. Med-Q is a caregivers best friend.
The new type of alarm will double in volume to make sure Loved Ones or their Caregivers will hear the sound.  Unlike other medication reminder, it will not shut off after Ten Mins leaving the medication untaken,  The alarms will repeat their 5 minute cycle every 30 minutes until the pills are taken and the next alert is activated. 

                                  Customer Reviews

                           Smart             pill reminder to siop missed doses
By Danna Border
This automatic pill dispenser is a Godsend!  I am a caregiver for a friend who has takes vital medications every day.  He was forgetting over 50% of the time  He was using a basic, non-mechanized pill organizers.  It simply wasn't working, the forgetting turned into over-dosing.  Now with our Med, he takes the right pills at the right time.  No more mixing up days and doses.
I know I sound like a TV spokesman, but it real works great.  When we bought it, I was skeptical at first.  I was looking at other pill dispenser devices at 3-4-5 times the price.   I tried the 30 day trial and never looked back   I load it up once per week, and I'm done!

Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer's Compliance System Features

Medication  1 or 2 Times Daily
Med-Q Pill Box uses 2 AA batteries
14 Compartment Trays that hold 23 aspirin sized pills
 Louder Alarm Sound w/Flashing LED LITE-BOX Technology for both visually impaired as well as
hearing impaired Alarm Sounds for 5 minutes and then repeats every thirty minutes 
20-30% larger capacity than other automatic Automatic Pill Dispenser for Alzheimer's 


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