Medication errors are common for diabetes

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A new study has been published.

The study from the  NHS Diabetes in the UK shows that up to 39% of men and women with diabetes  make mistakes,  Consequently, they take  the wrong pills at the wrong time.  That is why MED-Q weekly pill box with alarm is so vital.  In fact, 5 out of  8 diabetic hospital patients are subjected to medication errors. This is what the audit has revealed.

First of all, the study covered 13,000 individual men and women.  Second of all, the researchers give out  nearly 6,500 patient questionnaires.  Third, this in turn revealed that there is a major “cause for concern.  Finally,  care of diabetic patients in most hospitals experienced medication errors.  Again, these errors are worryingly common.

Seniors need a weekly Pill box with Alarms to prevent Mistakes

Meanwhile, the study reviled that almost on third  (30 percent) of patients charts had a mistake about prescriptions medications.  Furthermore,  a fifth  (20 Percent) contained at least 1 error. These errors covered both insulin as well as tablets.  The tablets ought to be put in a weekly pill box with alarm and timer.  This will reduce the rate of home medication errors (Medication Non-Compliance).

4th blog image2There are some “significant issues” concerning the use of insulin  in hospitals.

Again,  15 Percent of diabetes patients were on an insulin drip for ,  Moreover, for  seven days.  However, it was determined that 7.6 Percent were considered “unneeded .  For example, 11 Percent of the  drips exceeded the  seven threshold.  Finally,  12.4 percent  were actually considered “inappropriately long time”.  To sum up, a full 25 percent were not managed appropriately.

In addition, people that had undergone surgery had a higher risk of  been given the wrong drip.  Hence, these diabetics were more likely to encounter problems. To illustrate, oral medications with a Again, a smart weekly pill box with alarm can solve the issue. can help with this problem.

Data on Regarding medication errors,

Regarding medication errors, the research uncovered a “ a wide variation in the kinds of prescription medication mistakes.  Patients who suffered medication errors had new problems.  For example, 200% more likely to develop  a bad case of hypoglycaemia.

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                     MED-Q weekly pill box with alarm

Staying Complaint with Diabetes

Controlling blood sugar is too often the primary focus of a diabetic.  First, it ought not be the one and only focus. Second, diabetics have a higher risk of dying from a heart attack.  Third, this also applies to a stroke.  Hence, lowering  risk is crucial.  A weekly pill box with alarm for medication to  control blood pressure.  , The same weekly pillbox with alarm for cholesterol medications.  Fourth, using aspirin if recommended by your doctor.  Stay away from all tobacco products.  To sum up, don't not address risk of heart attack and stroke.  could be called a medical error.

Question your personal Healthcare Provider on your next visit.

  • Find out if the A1C less than 7 percent? (The actual glycosylated hemoglobin level ( HbA1c or A1C leve), is a measure of blood glucose.   The lower, the lower your risk of getting different diabetes complications.)
  • Keep the  blood pressure less than 140/90 
  • Is my LDL cholesterol levels under 100 ?.  For example, diabetics that have heart disease, the recommended level is under 70.
  • Are you  taking a baby  aspirin each day to prevent heart attacks and strokes?
  • Ask the doctor for help with quitting smoking
  • Are you using a weekly pill box with alarm to take your medications properly?

Sponsored by MED-Q Weekly Pill Box with Alarm

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