Smart Pill Dispenser to Control High Blood Pressure

MED-Q smart Pill Dispenser for Study

1stA study of 72,000 people that had high blood pressure in the European Heart Journal discovered patients who did not take medication right had a  four-fold increased risk of dying from a stroke.  A smart pill dispenser is a simple solution to this problem.  A study of 72,000 people that had high blood pressure  was done.  To clarify the European Heart Journal discovered patients who did not take medication right had a  four-fold increased risk of dying from a stroke.  A smart pill dispenser is a simple solution to this problem.

 Med-Q Smart Pill Dispenser prevents consequences of non-adherence

Patients’ risk was based on how people who adhered correctly to their medications compared to those in the two categories of non-adherence.   Consequently multiple types of pill reminders were used. For example a smart pill dispenser and electronic pill reminders have been shown to work best.
The researchers looked at to types of of anti hypertensive drugs.   For example, they found that non-adherent patients  taking  diuretics or beta-blockers  had a 7.5-fold increased risk of death and a four-fold increased risk of hospitalization.  Moreover the study was done at the Academy of Finland,  by the UK Medical Research Council, the UK Economic and Social Research Council and the US National Institutes of Health.

                 Med-Q automatic pill dispenser reduces risk 300%

  • First of all An smart pill box with alarm will assure proper medication.  Furthermore it will prevent a threefold increased risk in the tenth year.
  • Second of all An smart pill dispenser user vs. a non user had a 5.7-fold lower risk of dying from a stroke
  • third of all Patents who didn’t use a  pill clock to take their medication suffer.  In fact they were more likely to need hospital care after a stroke.
  •  forth of all Risk of hospitalization was 2.7-fold higher in the second year after taking anti-hypertensive pills.   Hence, now compare to adherent patients, and  1.7-fold higher in year ten.
  • Finally the year in which they went to the hospital with a stroke, their risk was nearly two-fold higher.  In lioke manner a pill clock user prevents death.

             How important is Medication Compliance for Seniors?

These results emphasize the importance of  patients taking their prescription medications  and supplements properly in order to greatly lower the actual risk of both fatal and non-fatal strokes.  Non-adherent patients have a greater risk. Equally important even ten years before they suffer a stroke.  
They considered that patients adhered if they took them correctly more than 92 Percent of the time. Non-adherence was divided into 2 different grouping.  One group had intermediate adherence (35-85 Percent adherence), and the other group had very bad adherence (less than 29 Percent).  An automatic pill box with alarms was not used in the study adherence control.  The study included 72,445 people aged 35 and up.  Of these, 2,108 died from stroke and 23,810 went to the hospital with a stroke.
The MED-Q smart pill dispenser with alarms can be the difference between life and death.  With new study information the need for a Medication dispenser has been proven.  A simple change in you medication management can have life changing implications.


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