Not your Grandma’s Pill box with alarms

                      Not your Grandma’s pill box with alarms


Med-Q Pill Box users are the first to recommend this 21st century pill box with alarms to friends and family.  The burden of helping care for others can be overwhelming and harmful to all those involved.  The Med-Q pill box with alarms takes the stress and worry away and replaces it with peace of mind and Quality of Life.

Pill Box with Alarms Success Story

Rachel Stone of Denver CO was taking care of her Mom and trying to keep her in her apartment.  The problem, mom forgetting pills.  Rachel ordered a Med-Q pill box with alarms about six Months ago  as a new electronic pill dispenser.  This became another Med-Q Pill Box with alarms success story:

                                                              Rachel wrote:


” I was calling my Mom twice a day. Once at 9 AM and once at 10 PM, to reminder to take her pills.  She was taking the about 75% of the time, even with my medication reminder phone calls.    I was getting angry and frustrated.  I tried Med-Q and it has been great.  She hasn’t missed a dose in six months.

 She is hard of hearing , so the flashing light is really useful for her.  We still have assisted living information, but we are holding off now that she is taking her pills right”

When most people think of a PillBox, they think of the cheap plastic, 7 day pill organizer.


 This is nothing more than a pill organizer and does nothing to act as a medication reminder.  It has been estimated that medication errors cause:
  • 125,000 deaths per year
  • 25% of Hospital admits among  Seniors,  
  • 23% of all nursing home admission 
  • Loss of Independence
According to the National Pharmaceutical Council the addition cost is 250 Billion dollars per year.  The MED-Q Medication reminder is designed to eliminate these stats.   No more dad forgetting medication or forgetting depression medication.  A great Alzheimer's pill box with alarms.


MED-Q electronic Pill Box keeps adding to it’s list of thankful users.  People keep calling the MED-Q a true lifesaver.  Our goal of a better medication compliance system has been met.

                                                             Google+ Facebook Youtube

                            Set your Med-Q PillBox for 1, 2, 3 or 4 Daily Reminders


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