Automatic pill dispenser with locks for Percocet and OxyContin Addiction

Danger and Denial: Percocet and OxyContin Addiction

Auto pill dispenser with lock

Living In Danger and Denial. First of all, what is an addiction? Second of all, what can an addiction cause.  Being proactive can help.  For example, an automatic pill dispenser with locks.  Here is a real life case of what addication can cause.

Claire was taking an unbelievable combination of painkiller

At the peak of his drug use, Kevin was taking 15 percocets, 3 OxyContins and 10 Somas a day.  In addition, add in another 8 Xanax three times a day. The shocking truth, he was driving his children to school every day.  "When I could tell I was high, I didn't drive them," he said,” However, most of the time I really felt quite normal."

The problem got worse.

When he wasn't able to get his pills form the doctor, he'd find whoever he could think of to get more drugs.  For example, if he knew somebody who knew somebody who had some to sell.  Kevin told MED-Q Smart Pill dispenser, "I would give rides to an older woman who lived up the street in exchange for pain pills.  Keeping drugs locked up will help.  Obviously, the doctor will always recommend an automatic pill dispenser with locks to help keep addiction under control.

One day his body crashed.  Hence, Kevin overdosed at home. His son found him and called 911 Hence,  an ambulance picked him up. When he woke up in the hospital, he had absolutely no memory of what he had taken.  In addition, he had no clue about how long he had remained unconscious -- doctors told her she'd swallowed enough drugs to kill three people. "I was taking 5 to 10 times the recommended doses.

Kevin had hit bottom

First, Kevin focused on a father's devotion to his children.  Second, this gave him the strength he needed to start his recovery. "I had a moment of clarity in that hospital bed after my overdose," Kevin said. "I realized that if I didn't stop using drugs, no judge was going to let my kids stay with me." Finally, he agreed to enter a rehab facility.  He wanted them to forgive his bad behavior.  To sum up, he wanted to be the dad he used to be .  Consequently, Kevin hasn't taken drugs for almost two full years.

Doctors recommend an automatic pill dispenser with locks to help keep addiction under control.

Some men will pay the ultimate sacrifice from the addiction. Tim Casper, a 42-year-old father who lived in the suburb of Seattle.  He went went out to dinner with his wife in 2017.  The next morning he found him dead in their bed.  What was the cause of death?  Shockingly, a combination of 8 different prescription medication.  These meds were to manage long-term medical problems.  For example, anti-anxiety drugs, an antidepressant, and pain pills.  His pill dispenser was loaded with scripts form 3 different doctors.  His wife knew he took pills.  However she had no idea the level of addiction.

This is the kind of denial that is very common.

People are in denial regarding addiction with their loved ones.   To illustrate, this is very common.  So is the guilt that is associated with addiction.   "The shame is worse for fathers than for other people," says Dr. Raherty, because they're supposed to be in strong as well as in control.  Tim felt this way: "I thought, 'How can I be the Dad , yet at the same time be a drug addict?'"

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