Med-Q Smart Pill Box with alarms for Alzheimer’s

MED-Q SMART Pill Box with alarms Success Story
Smart Pill box

Washington DC)  Harriet T needed a Smart Pill Box with alarms. Her Mom has vascular dementia and Dad had early stages of  Alzheimer. Dad was mom’s caregiver.

My Mom is smart.

 It was  for a couple of years before we realized that Mom’s problems were not Dad’s fault. My Brothers and I spent another year trying to keep Mom and Dad at their own home.   We thought they were were “ready” for assisted living.  Then we saw the MED-Q PillBox with alarms on you tube.  We gave it a try and it has been great.  Thanks MED-Q, you have kept Mom and dad at home!

A 7 day pill organizer was not the answer.
People need a Pill organizer that will be more like a pill clock.  This type of “Smart Pill Box with alarms” can virtually eliminate forgetting and over dosing. 

Smart Pill Box with alarms for Alzheimer’s

They tried an 7 day or 14 day pill box.  It didn’t work.  Mom and Dad would get confused and take two  or three days in the same day.  The problem with Alzheimer’s is that you can not learn new behavior.  That is why it is so important to create a medication regimen as early as possible.  When a pattern can be created early on, this will help down the road.
You will find that your Mom and Dad will have false memories. Examples, Your Mom can be saying very negative things.  She will be making accusations about things being stolen. Things like books, cards, clothes, silverware, money. Claims of  people coming to her home and eating her food and watching her television. This is a very know this can be a common feature of the disease.  It takes much patience.

Smart Pill Box with alarms for Alzheimer’s is a must for all seniors suffering with the disease.

To sum up, today is the time for a smart pill box with alarms to help us and then help them.  To sum up, getting an Alzheimer’s suffer to to take their medication is always a small victory.


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