Looking For a Medication Reminder Device or Pill Reminder?

Med-Q  picked a range of different Medication Reminder Device or pill reminder for review. 

They all have favorable consumer reviews.  To sum up, when choosing factor in a pill reminder, the following factors should be looked at to make the best decision:

  • Flexibility—Will the device adapt easily and adjust to the daily medication routine?
  • Price—Does it cost too much.  Will it fit your budget?
  • Usability—Is this dispenser something is easy set-up and operate?

You’ll rely on your Medication Reminder Device or Pill Reminder. 

Hence, make certain the tracking device you pick meets all your needs and wants.

Top Medication Reminder Device and Pill Reminders:

America's #1 Prescription medication tracker with LITE-BOX guides and triple alarms.  The MED-Q Smart Medication Reminder Device is the smart solution for remembering to take your medication. Once programmed, the smart pill reminder will flash the individual compartment holding that time's dose.  Miss a pill?  No worries, the smart Medication Reminder Device or pill reminder will repeat it's blasting alarms every thirty minutes until the pills are taken.  No decisions means no mistakes.

List Price: $69.95

Pros: The simple design makes the pill reminder easy to use. To sum up,, Med-Q Medication Reminder Device or pill reminder is more than a holder.  The Patent Pending LITE-Box guides takes away the need to remember what day it is.  Just take the flashing box when it is flashing.  Can be promenaded for 1 or 2 daily reminders

Cons: The design can only be used by people taking up to two pill times a day.  Users have purchased the combo, this is for 4 times a day dossers.    Med-Q Medication Compliance System is more expensive, which may be prohibitive for some buyers.

Med-E-Alert Automatic Medication Reminder Device

Medication Reminder Device

Med-E-Alert medication reminder has up to 6 daily reminder.  The goal, to ensure that no pills are forgotten. This Pill reminder can be locked.  Locking can often prevent accidental mismanagement.  The goal, prevent medication non compliance once and for all!

List Price: $69.95

Pros: The pill dispenser swill save the personalized settings when one changes batteries. The alarm will beep for up to  1/2 hour  This pill reminder has  a small blinking light to help with remembering as well as aid accessibility.

Cons: Batteries power the dispenser and tend to run out of juice quickly.  —about every few weeks. Furthermore, many said they had concerns about the lock.  To sum up, saying the lock is easily tampered with.

MedSenter Medication Reminder Device with pill Reminder System

Medication Reminder Device

MedSenter’s medication tracker is sold as all-in-one solution. Its comes with 31 4 compartment boxes.  One box for each day of the month.  One pill box for 4 doses per day.   The Medication Reminder Device has beeping reminders with the alarm-clock sounds.

List Price: $60.47

Pros: Medsenter’s Pill reminder talking alerts  has both loud and extra-loud settings.  Hence, the alarm is audible even in another part of the house. The alarm continues to sound until the user presses the “alarm acknowledged” button. In addition to the alerts, the organizer uses color, making for easy visual management.

Cons: The multiple compartments and color-coding system could be confusing for some. Furthermore, pressing the acknowledgment button silences the alarm.  However, this doesn’t earn the corresponding Life Saving prescription medications and supplements were taken.

Saely SMART 7-Day Weekly Pill reminder

Pill reminder

Saely trys to combines the best of both worlds.  First, a basic pill box.  Second,  an optional smart phone application. It contains 1 weeks worth of medications and supplements.  In addition, the size makes it so it will travel well.

List Price: $35.00

Pros: Saely push-through lids attempt to make sure all pills go into the right pill box compartment. The smartphone app is available on  Android and Apple.

Cons: Compartment size could be restrictive for people with several medications.

Reminder Rosie Medication Reminder , Pill Reminder Alarm Clock

Reminder Rosie reminder medication alarm clock lets the user record 25 reminders.  First each reminder is six seconds long. What this means, specialized reminders can be created.  For example,about doctor appointments.  Another example, when to take your medications.

Pill Reminder Alarm Clock

List Price: $134.99

Pros: This reminder medication alarm clock will do more than just replay message.  To illustrate, Rosie also responds to your voice prompts. This is a big benefit for users that have some what  limited mobility.  To illustrate, no need to have to cross the room and manually turn the alarm off.

Cons: Reminder Rosie is simple and very basic. However, It will put out regular medication reminders.  This being said, Rosie is not tied directly to the bottle or pill dispenser.  Many have found it hard to follow through on the alerts.

Vibrating Pill Reminder Watch

Vibrating Pill Reminder Watch is so the wear can manage the daily medications and medical appointments. Vibrating Pill Reminder Watches are not designed just for medical use only.  One can use the watch’s functionality help with a more active lifestyle and independence.
Vibrating Pill Reminder Watch

List Price: $34.95

Pros: The WobL watch’s small design fits most wrists, and its audible alerts and vibrations aid the hard of hearing and Deaf community. Furthermore, the Vibrating Pill Reminder Watch has a lockout feature.  To sum up, it will prevent wearers from making unwanted, accidental mistakes.

Cons: The watch has two main drawbacks. First, it isn’t waterproof, so it may die if the wearer takes it into the shower or swimming pool. Second, the watch isn’t “smart,” so it’s hard to follow up on remotely.

What to Look For in a Medication Reminder Device or Pill Reminder

You may have a full schedule, but with the variety and versatility of these seven pill tracking devices, you won’t have to worry about missed medication. First, Pick the best Medication Reminder Device. Second, use the best pill reminder.  Third, making the best Automatic Medication Reminder Device or pill reminder choice can mean the difference between life and death.


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